Thursday 31 May 2012

new website coming

mud hut company's moving forward.  Next week our lovely new website should be up and running, with a review of our products.  We're busy still working on a large order for antimacassar tiles, and in September the new 'Bubble' tiles will be featured in House and Garden.  Good days :)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

the elves are busy

Busy week.  Bought new slab roller, received a tonne of clay and began production on over 700 Antimacassar 20cm tiles for a restaurant in Zurich.  Love the slab roller.  So quiet in the workshop without the constant banging of rolling pins - I never realised!!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Today working on a conservation project for the Isle of Wight using porcelain.  Lovely stuff, if exacting.  Thought you might like to see new images of 20cm x 15cm hand of Fatima tiles which I think might be going in my new shower room!!