Tuesday 12 June 2012

 for a chance to win one of our large handmade Mojo hearts (my favourite), follow the link to Capricorn Cheese on our website www.mudhutcompany.com.  The competition closes at the end of June.  Good luck!

Sunday 10 June 2012

new mud hut company website

our new website's onlinewww.mudhutcompany.com, so please take a look.  Only a small selection of our handmade tiles are currently up, and there are some glitches to take care of, but we're there!
Our thanks to Darryl for all his hard work, and for Capricorn Cheese for their patience whilst we link up to their gorgeous website.
Good things come to she who waits :)

Saturday 2 June 2012


apologies if you're trying to access the mud hut company website.  We've hit a temporary glitch, and as it's the bank holiday it'll take a couple of days to sort out.  Meanwhile if you need to contact us you can email janesdesigns@yahoo.co.uk.  Have a good weekend!

Thursday 31 May 2012

new website coming

mud hut company's moving forward.  Next week our lovely new website should be up and running, with a review of our products.  We're busy still working on a large order for antimacassar tiles, and in September the new 'Bubble' tiles will be featured in House and Garden.  Good days :)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

the elves are busy

Busy week.  Bought new slab roller, received a tonne of clay and began production on over 700 Antimacassar 20cm tiles for a restaurant in Zurich.  Love the slab roller.  So quiet in the workshop without the constant banging of rolling pins - I never realised!!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Today working on a conservation project for the Isle of Wight using porcelain.  Lovely stuff, if exacting.  Thought you might like to see new images of 20cm x 15cm hand of Fatima tiles which I think might be going in my new shower room!!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

busy days

Teaching at Weston All Saints Primary School today, with children making items for a fantasy garden.  Thanks everyone for a lovely day.